The work of love and solidarity
continues at Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh “Don Bosco Vocational School” from one
generation to another! It is now over ten years since the start of the Program.
Impelled by Don Bosco educational way,
60 Students from the Secretarial Course arrive early every Sunday morning at
their school not as students but as teachers. Yes! In a short time, they pile
into trucks and tuk tuks and travel to six villages on the outskirts of Phnom Penh
where dozens of children and youth, with bare feet and smiling faces, are
waiting to spend the next few hours together. As Don Bosco did in his time,
they teach the value of life and how to live it in joy and brotherhood, adding
lessons in some school subjects and crowning all activities with games and
Most people their age would be
sleeping in and enjoying their break from class. But these girls are different.
They want to share the gift of knowledge and love received at school with
youngsters who have fewer chances in life.
Sok Mean is one of the students who
take part in the outreach program. She is a second-year student at Don Bosco,
but on Sunday morning, she becomes a teacher.
She says she enjoys teaching English, because she can help those
children who have few opportunities.
“I want to help young, poor people. I want
them to have knowledge,” she said. She says her favorite part of oratory is
teaching and playing.
And she isn’t the only one. All the
girls are full of life when they are around the children. Their love pours out
in everything they do, whether it’s dancing to disco music, playing games or
teaching. And in many ways, they achieve the goal of the Outreach Program: To
begin as students and leave as leaders capable to up-build society by living
and transmitting values and life to many poor youth and children.