We feel honored to have had Sr. Runita again among us. She belonged to our province until 3 months ago. Now Sr. Runita has a great mission as General Council of Youth Pastoral in our Institute, but she wanted to visit us,  to share with us some topics about Youth Pastoral and to say goodbye as she couldn't do it when suddenly was called to go back to Rome. 

We had one day of reflection about the Six year Plan, The Youth Pastoral Sector and the Spirituality promoted by the FMA Associations. 
The second day, the participants were the members of the Provincial Council, the Provincial Equipe and the Community animators of Cambodia. We reflected about the FMA Sector for Youth Pastoral Ministry.
We had the opportunity to share our dreams, doubts and ideas about our mission and the way we will work in the future.
We thanks God for the presence of Sr. Runita, for her generosity and availability.We wish her a fruitful mission.  

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