The 7 aspirants and 10
observers from Blessed Laura Vicuna Community, Chanthagon gathered together at
St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello Community in Anisakan (Myanmar) to have an
experience of a Three-day Retreat Program from July 1-3.
The theme of the
Retreat was on “Discernment of one’s vocation in life” and the preacher was Fr.
Titus Tin Maung, SJ.
The first day’s
objectives are meant to help the candidates to get familiar with God’s blessing
in one’s life in order to sharpen one’s sense of gratitude and to offer the most
fitting responses (praise, reverence, service) to God who is rich in mercy.
On the second day, the
candidates were led to be more aware of their emotions and the sources of their
emotions with their influences on one’s thoughts, words and deeds.
The third day’s
objectives helped the candidates to be more aware of their inner feelings that
are related to one’s decision making. They were convinced that any good and right
decision is accompanied by a genuine peace, deeper faith and stronger hope.
Each day began with a
thirty minute meditation, the two talks in a day, the Eucharistic celebration,
hours of reflection, silence and prayer, one conference on Salesianity and one
hour adoration which was animated by the Junior sisters of the community. The
Sacrament of reconciliation was celebrated on the last day of the retreat.
The retreat ended with
a short fraternal moment of being
together and sharing on the experience lived at a nearby Chinese Temple of Pyin
Oo Lwin.
It was a grace-filled
experience of encountering God, oneself and others in gratitude. All the
participants treasure this experience of the retreat as a strong moment of
experiencing God’s great love and forgiveness for them. They come to accept
themselves and others more with serenity. It was an experience of conversion
for them. As resolution, they all choose love, joy, patience, compassion to
contribute in building God’s kingdom where they live in. Above all, their
desire to choose God as the source of their joy was strengthened. The observers
from Chanthagon community went back home with more enthusiasm and joy placing
the invitation of Jesus in their hearts who says: “Remain in my Love”.