CMY Provincial Chapter

CMY Provincial Chapter...a journey towards synodality

From October 25 to 28, 2019 the CMY Provincial Chapter with the theme: “Communities generating life in the heart of contemporaneity” was held at the Provincial House of “St. John Bosco” Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The icon of the Wedding of Cana and the biblical verse: “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2, 5) guided the work of 25 Sisters (13 from Cambodia and 11 from Myanmar and the Provincial Superior) called to take part in the Provincial Chapter.

The votive Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated by Mons. Bruno Cosme, MEP, new Apostolic Vicar of Kampong Cham, Cambodia gave a solemn start to the Chapter followed by the half day adoration and prayer in order to invoke the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit during this very important event for the life of the Province. In the afternoon, Sr. Jessica Salvaña, Provincial Superior, presented the Report on the 2015 – 2019 journey of the Province.

A novelty of the Provincial Chapter is that of the presence, for the first time, of some lay people in the opening day of the Chapter (2 lay collaborators in person and 2 Video messages), and on the work on the first question (5 lay collaborators from our schools). Their presence and interventions were important and very much appreciated. They, in turn, expressed their gratitude for being given the chance to participate in the Chapter assembly.

The Provincial Chapter concluded with a celebration of thanks in the chapel where all the Sisters present in Cambodia participated and received a mandate from the Provincial Sr. Jessica Salvaña.

Each Sister received a message in the form of a commitment (“Bring the wine of charity/ your Educating Community) inserted in a small jar placed at the foot of the altar decorated with six big stonejars from which came out the water transformed into wine.

They were four intense and fruitful days and the delegates worked with commitment and  great desire for the good of the Province.

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