Salesian sisters in Cambodia and Myanmar
Don Bosco Salesian Sisters came to Cambodia in 1992, when former refugees have re-entered and re-settled in their country, to help the reconstruction and development of the country. The Salesian Sisters saw the need for education, human promotion and development of youth, especially of children and young women, particularly in the area of women and youth education, primary education and skills training.
At present the Sisters run
three Vocational Training Centers for Girls, four Kindergartens, two
Elementary Schools and one High School from grade 7 until grade 11.
We are 26 salesian sisters, who are currently spreading the Word of God in Cambodia. 22 in Phnom Penh and 4 in Battambang.
Our VISION is a peaceful, developed Cambodia, where:
- poor youth receive quality education,
- moral and spiritual values are upheld,
- women play active roles in the decision-making and nation-building proceeds.
- to inspire hope,
- to nurture life and
- to promote human dignity
through integral education of poor youth, especially girls, that they may experience God's love and be empowered to become active and honest citizens.
We are 26 salesian sisters, who are currently spreading the Word of God in Cambodia. 22 in Phnom Penh and 4 in Battambang.
Our VISION is a peaceful, developed Cambodia, where:
- poor youth receive quality education,
- moral and spiritual values are upheld,
- women play active roles in the decision-making and nation-building proceeds.
- to inspire hope,
- to nurture life and
- to promote human dignity
through integral education of poor youth, especially girls, that they may experience God's love and be empowered to become active and honest citizens.
Since we started our educative
mission in Cambodia, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MOEYS) has
expressed its appreciation for the work that the Salesian Sisters are doing for
poor children and young women in Phnom Penh as well as in Battambang. With much
encouragement and gratitude they granted us school-opening permits and
facilitated the inauguration of our two kinder-elementary schools, two
vocational training centers in the city and one literacy & sewing center in
Brief history
Our presence in Cambodia was solicited, in 1992, by the Salesian Fathers, already working in the country. The then Mother General, M. Marinella Castagno, entrusted the preliminary survey for a possible presence in Cambodia to the Thai Provincial, Sr. Teresa Kohasuwan, and to the councilor for the missions in our Institute, Sr. Lina Chiandotto. The survey was carried out in March 2002.The arrival in the country of the UNTAC troupes, (United Nations Transitorial Authority Cambodia) opened all hearts to hope in a new and hopeful beginning. One could see children roaming in the street lights since most homes were still deprived of such commodity.
The General Council approved the new foundation and the Thai Province lost no time in processing the requirements in view of establishing a community before the end of the year.

The Sisters had to leave the country on
However, history did not end there. When the missionaries were expelled, there were already some young Burmese women undergoing their formation to the FMA life in
On 1st
December 1987 Sr. Mary Khin Myint, who was residing in India , was able
to re-enter Burma
to visit her family. However, as a
Burmese citizen returning to her country, she had to surrender her passport to
the Government and therefore could not return to India . Sr. Mary worked connected with the Salesian
Fathers in Anisakan, who were very hospitable and kind to her. Upon writing to the then Mother General, M.
Marinella Castagno, asking advice regarding community life which she was
not able to live, the foreseeing Mother Marinella told her to look for
vocations which would, with time, solve her community problem.
In 1994 four candidates were sent to the Philippines for
their novitiate and in 1996 four others were sent to the novitiate of the Calcutta Province . However from 1997 candidates were again sent
to the Philippines
for their novitiate until 2003 when the novitiate was opened in Anisakan while
waiting for the construction of the new building in Pyin Oo Lwin.
The house was annexed to the Province of Calcutta (India) until 1997 when a new Visitatoria was set up in the South East Asia (SEA) comprising the houses of Cambodia, Indonesia, East Timor, Myanmar and Vietnam with the Center of the Visitatoria in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Then Myanmar became part of the Province “Mary, our Help – CMY” which is composed of Cambodia and Myanmar which is canonically erected on August 5, 2009.

- Poor youth receive quality education,
- Moral and spiritual values are upheld,
- Women play active roles in the decision-making and nation-building proceeds.
- to nurture life and
- to promote human dignity
through integral education of poor youth, especially girls, that they may experience God’s love and be empowered to become active and honest citizens.