Food Technology and Hotel services (FTHS) is a special 2 year vocational education training course, which prepares girls to work in the best hotels and restaurants. Students of FTHS are girls, who come from poor families from different provinces and most of them are also boarders in our school. Every year there are approximately 65 students, who learn different skills: cooking, dining service, housekeeping, baking, flower arrangement. Our girls, as we call them, come from different backgrounds and they all need support of benevolent people to manage their studies.
Most of them are between 17 and 22 years old, and many haven't finished High School, mostly because they cannot afford it. Before entering our school they stayed at home and helped with farming or worked in the factories.

Through education and different activities in their spare time, we prepare them for a job, and even more important, for life as an active citizen with values. After being graduated they can easily find a job in the hotels and restaurants of Phnom Penh or in private houses and NGOs.
At present we have 52 students. The girls have different levels of education and come from different villages sent by Parish Priests, religious, NGOs or through the past-pupils. They are all poor girls who desire to learn skills in order to be able to make their living and to help their families. Selection in the enrollment is necessary in order to choose the poorest girls among the many applicants. The vast majority of our girls are boarding at our house because of the distance or particular family situation.