“Life fully given to give new life”

Feast of Blessed Laura Vicuna- on 22nd Jan-2014 (Battambang)

“Life fully given to give new life” was the theme taken to celebrate the feast of Blessed Laura Vicuna. To prepare for this feast we have show the film of Blessed Laura Vicuna to the girls and also some slide show in order to know the life of Laura. 

The story book on her life was distributed to them to know and to find of the answers for the questions which we have given them before hand. Since High school girls had school in the morning we could not keep this feast in the morning.  And so after lunch all the high school and sewing students gather together in the hall to celebrate this feast.  The program started with Prayer service _ a moment of prayer with the slide show of her life followed by each one writing their promises or resolution which they will offer during the mass. After that Sr. Blanchi welcomed them for this celebration and Tr. Vuthy explained to them about the program.  Then various activities, like quiz competition, composing songs on the life of Laura in groups, drawing and acting the life of Laura in groups. These all kept them busy and happy. The most joyful moment was revealing the Miss Laura for this year. From high school Thida and sewing girls Rim was chosen by students.

 Sr. Lakana behalf of all the sisters, staff and students congratulated them, offering them some gift as the token of their achievement. Both the Miss Laura gave their messages to us. Then Sr. Lakana gave them message of love to all saying that we have to be like Laura in our dealing with each other. Many girls shared their feeling how they feel about Laura. After that we distributed the prizes for the winners of the games. The snack was distributed to all then followed by Holy Mass which Fr. Monoj celebrated. Some leaders from parish joined with us for mass and for dinner. The liturgy was well prepared with introduction and offertory. 

During the Hoy Mass Fr. Monoj enlighten the virtues of Bl. Laura Vicuna, especially that of her purity. After that we had dinner together. Some of our girls sang and danced some action songs and kept everybody on their feet dancing and making themselves happy. Thus we ended our day with thanking God for his blessings.

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