“Life in the oratories of Cambodia, Battambang”
First we want make a brief remembrance about the beginning and the purpose of the Oratory in Valdocco.
The aim of the festive oratory is to hold onto young people on weekends and feast days with pleasant and honest recreation after they have attended the sacred functions in church.
In the little village on Tahen, where sister Marisol works with the kindergarten staff and in our House. It´s been a challenge for the community, but the leaders (our girls form grades 10 and 11), and us, are very confident that is not our mission but the Lord´s.
We are having a wonderful experience with all the children and the response of the children has been positive.
In Tahen we have about 150 children coming to the oratory. In this Oratory we have also invited the young people that lives there to be leaders and a large group agreed to learn and help and now they are working hand in hand with our girls.
In the Parish we have a population of 50 children and in our House 150 children. The number is not stable, but every Sunday afternoon we meet with at least 320 children eager to learn and to have fun with games, value teaching, songs, dancing and art, etc.
It´s an experience that is helping our girls to become good and responsible leaders, and for Us, the Sisters is an opportunity to continue the legacy that our Dear Founders left us