“The Pilgrimage has a special place in
the Holy Year, because it represents the journey each of us makes in this
life.” Pope Francis
The Catholic students and other students
interested in Christians faith were duly prepared on the meaning, purpose and
fruit of the pilgrimage which took place on 27th February 2016.
The 40 participants together with
Sisters and staff were accompanied by the timely reflections of Fr. Hangly Suon along the way from the Pastoral Center in
Phnom Penh Thmey to reach St. Joseph Parish, Phnom Penh and Areyksat shrine, the
destination point.
Meditating that our life is a pilgrimage
toward God and our eternal home with Him, has helped everyone to interiorize
the event. The group lived the experience with recollection and the reception
of the sacrament of Reconciliation was for many a deep experience of God’s
Mercy. Many students felt moved at the awareness of the overwhelming mercy of
God that renewed their life.
The answer that a Buddhist girl gave
Sister on the deepest experience of the day was: “Oh Sister, I felt so strongly
the presence of God!” while for another one it was arriving at the last stop of
the Pilgrimage - a small shrine dedicated to Our Lady Queen of Peace on the
Mekong River: “The joy of meeting Mary!”
May this blessed experience mark
indelibly everyone’s heart and help them after having experienced mercy, become
“Merciful like the Father”.