In Cambodia, the Sisters gathered
four hundred youth from three different Salesian schools in the province for a
youth camp. Don Bosco School Teuk Thla,
in the capital city of Phnom Penh, welcomed the students to its campus to stay
overnight for two days of a truly Salesian experience of eating, learning, and
Later that night, the
camp congregated for a bonfire and display of the students’ dramatic talents.
Gathered in darkness around the bonfire, the students experienced God as the
guiding light of life. The evening ended with a traditional Don Bosco goodnight
from the superior of the Teuk Thla community. The second day of the camp
started with early morning mass and the Gospel of the prodigal son declaring
God’s mercy and compassion. After mass, the sisters testified to the Gospel
providing six talks on various topics such as the life of Don Bosco, the
history of the Sisters’ mission in Cambodia, and the lives of the saints.
Bosco School Teuk Thla became a playground that afternoon when the students
teamed up in their groups to compete in outdoor games. The camp closed with
prizes for the winning groups and thanksgiving to the Sisters for their efforts
in organizing the camp. Youth camp 2017, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, was a display
of the Salesian oratorian heart that brings the joy of the Gospel to life for
young people.