Eternal rest grant unto Sr. Tecla, o Lord
The strong pillar of our presence in
Myanmar Sr. Tecla Chit May passed away on the 20th of July 2018, at
8:45 am ending her long suffering of sickness. Her mortal remains was in
Anisakan for three days amidst unceasing prayers and rosaries from different
people and M. Mazzarello Community. She was thronged by the past pupils near
and far.. The Funeral was on the 23th of July 2018, at 2:00 pm at Our Lady
Shrine at Nazareth Center, Anisakan. Fr. Charles Saw Thi Han Lwin(SDB
Provincial of Myanmar) presided the Holy Mass and 33 priests concelebrated.
Many people came from different parts of Myanmar (pastpupils, friends and
relatives) to join the triumphant entrance of Sr. Tecla Chit May to the Holy
City of our merciful and loving God.
Date of Birth: 1.10. 1946
First Profession: 5. 8. 1966 Shillong, India
Perpetual Profession: 5. 8. 1972 Bangalore, India
Date of Death 20. 7. 2018 Anisakan, Myanmar