Graduation of FTHS 2020

Graduation Day, 12th September 2020 was a great day for twenty two young women, fully fledged Food Technicians! Their goal was achieved and expressed in the theme chosen for the day “Young full of hope”. As music started our Graduates along Sr. Jessica Salvaña, Provincial Superior for CMY Province and other sisters marched inside the hall which was beautifully decorated with balloons and the notice board embellished with Congratulations and their theme. Our Tr. Sreynich welcomed Sr. Jessica, the speaker of the day, the sisters and the graduates. Because of COVID 19, no parents and guests were invited. The program started by 1st year students online who opened the program with the blessing dance to which followed a song of thanks. Tr. Sotheary presented a video portraying all the activities of the FTHS, which gave much joy to all. Tr. Abbie and Sr. Ched Ditching graciously sent their wishes online.

Sr. Jessica gave her message to the graduate by commenting on their chosen theme: “Young full of hope” She encouraged them to be full of hope and courage as they move into the world of work and to face the challenges and difficulties they will meet in order to bring a change into the world by their honest and constant service. She motivated them to keep their dream and goal ahead of them and dream big so as to fulfill it.

Sr. Jessica and Sr. Leeza Kokkatt, the Community Animator, distributed the certificates to the beaming graduates, who at the end sang a song expressing their gratitude for all that they have received from Don Bosco Center. On behalf of all graduates Khorn Sreymom thanked their parents, sisters, teachers who have helped them to fulfill their dream. As a token of their love they offer to the sisters a basket of fruits and a box of soft drinks. Sr. Jessica, in turn, presented each one of them with a pen and key chain and from FTHS they received a T- Shirt and a receipt book. The program came to a close with photo taking and snacks. We thanked God for this wonderful day. 


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