Educating Community in Synodality as it celebrates the 4th World Day of the Poor


“Stretch forth your hand to the poor” (Sir 7:32)

Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon (Myanmar). On November 15, 2020, the St. John Bosco Community of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon (Myanmar) Mary Our Help  Province (CMY), celebrated the 4th World Day of the Poor by distributing food items to 700 poor families and feeding some cakes with the help of parents, teachers and children of the Educating Community

The food items consisted of rice, oil, bean, salt, chili powder, noodle, onion, fish can, fish paste, vitamin C, milo, masks and hand sanitizers donated to the families  for a second time by Mr. Thomas Neisinger, the Ambassador of Germany to Myanmar.  

Since the preparation of food items for distribution to the poor families, the Sisters  lived the experience of synodality by planning and journeying together as an Educating Community to start the Revolution of Tenderness in the slum areas of Hlaing Thar Yar. Packing 700 food bags for the poor ones is a tiring one but with the parents, children, teachers and Sisters working together with so much joy of to prepare something for the poorest ones made things easy for everyone. The same thing happened on the distribution day, November 15, all were filled with enthusiasm and sense of collaboration.

After the distribution of food items, the Sisters and some teachers and oratory children, cut the butter cakes received from a benefactor, in order to bring to the poor children of the slum areas. The children were gathered by some mothers who kept them beside the road. They were all sitting quietly waiting for the Sisters who will come to share with them some cakes. When the Sisters distributed the slices of butter cakes they were so surprised and so happy to eat the butter cakes for the first time in their life. They have never eaten it before except one child. The Sisters were edified and impressed by some children who didn’t eat what they receive but kept it for their siblings, since they had it for the first time in their life. Though they are very poor, they have big heart and loving concern for others. They don’t think of themselves alone. The Sisters then appreciated their kind gesture and shared to them two slices each. The children were very grateful to the Sisters who love them and who always share whatever they have with them.

The Sisters of the community were also very happy and grateful to God’s providential care, who through our generous benefactors, made the children  experience the joy of sharing and celebrating the World Day of the Poor with the other poor children and families on this special occasion of the 4th World day of the poor. 

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