Mother Mazzarello for the first time wrote to her daughters in Myanmar in their own language!  The Sisters feel their Mother is so close to them as they read her letters with joy.

This translation of the Letters of Mother Mazzarello into Burmese has been a long time dream of the Sisters. A group of Sisters made an effort to translate the book by dividing among themselves the letters to facilitate the translation. One of them gathered the work and edited. However, the work passed unremembered as perhaps it was not the suitable time. The time for its birth is now! The Sisters thought of reviving the initial work this year being a suitable time as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the foundation of our Institute.

Mother Chiara invites the Sisters to read the Letters slowly and meditatively. In her Presentation of the book, she writes:

“Vi invito a fare l’esperienza di un ascolto profondo, di un incontro personale in cui potete lasciare parlare la Madre al vostro cuore ed ascoltare la sua voce tenera e forte, soave e decisa. Sentirete la sua presenza materna che diviene per ciascuna di voi orientamento e guida nel cammino della santità salesiana.” (paragraph 3)


တဦးချင်းစီကို ဖိတ်ခေါ်ချင်တာကတော့ နှလုံးသားကို ဦးတည်ပြီး ပြောလာတဲ့ မာသာရ်ရဲ့ စကားလုံးလေးတွေကို နှလုံးသားနဲ့ လေးနက်စွာခံစားပြီး ဖတ်ကြားစေလိုပါတယ်။ သူမရဲ့စကားလုံးတိုင်းဟာ နူညံ့ပေမဲ့ ခွန်အားအပြည့်ပါတယ်။ ညင်သာပေမဲ့ ပြတ်သားလှပါတယ်။ အမေ တစ်ဦးရဲ့ ချစ်တတ်တဲ့ နှလုံးသားနဲ့သမီးတဦးချင်းစီကို မြင့်မြတ်သော ဆလေးရှင်း လမ်းစဉ်ကို ညွှန်ပြနေသောအမေ့ရဲ့ တည်ရှိခြင်း ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။

This translated work of Mother Mazzarello’s letters is commendable! It has been an inspiration from Mother Mazzarello herself whispering to her daughters, “I am here with you in this moment of difficulties.”

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